Tuesday, December 7, 2021

How British let one million Indians die in famine

A contemporary print of the Madras famine of 1877 showing the distribution of relief in Bellary, Madras Presidency. From the Illustrated London News, (1877)
An American tourist and an unidentified western woman pose with a famine victim, India, 1900.
Antique print of Indian famine victims, 1885
Child who starved to death during the Bengal famine of 1943
Drawing of Indian famine victims by Barbant.
Famine in India, 1900
People waiting for famine relief in Bangalore. From the Illustrated London News, (20 October 1877)
Photograph of the 1900 famine in India
Undated picture of an Indian village in a famine-affected district
Undated picture of Indian famine victims
Victims of the Famine in Colonial India
Victims of the Great Famine of 1876–1878 in India, pictured in 1877.
Victims of the Great Famine of 1876–1878
Victims of the Indian famine of 1896–1897 in Jabalpur

 Western tourists gawk at Indian famine victims, 1899-1900.

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