Monday, May 31, 2021

Sikhs and Pashtuns in World War-1

1-Photograph of Camel Corps two Sihks mounted in fighting order.Photograph taken by Felice Beato on the Nile Expedition to relieve Khartoum.
2-Sikhs, three old Havildars. Centre man just gone on pension after 44 years' service, his first medal is Afghanistan 1889-80. The other two are still serving.
3-Indian Officers' Club
4-Sikhs, draft ready to join an active battalion
5- Sikh recruits at school
6-SIkhs, raw recruits
7-Sikh recruits on a raft made on inverted earthenware pots
8- A ride of Pathun recruits just prior to being passed into the ranks
9-Pathan recruits ride jumping
10- Pathan recruit
11- Sikh sepoys, non-commissioned and Indian Officers in uniform and mufti
12- Pathans, Khattack dance
13-Three Sikh Indian officers
14- Sikhs regimental school
15-Sikh Indian officers in uniform and mufti
16- Jat Sikh recruit

 17-Sikhs musketry instruction

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