Wednesday, July 17, 2019

20 Stunning Images on Sacrifices of Bhutto Family

Benazir Bhutto Shaheed, Sukkur Jail, 1980
Bhutto shows her blood-stained shalwar after her rally was attacked by police, 1999
Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto Trial and Arrest
Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto Trial and Arrest

Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto Trial and Arrest

Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto Funeral where Benazir and Nusrat Bhutto Denied Access
Begum Nusrat Bhutto Cries on Bhutto Death
Begum Nusrat Bhutto Beaten Bleeding During a Rally at Qaddafi Stadium
Another view of the Military Court with Benazir Bhutto and Jam Saqi
Benazir Bhutto vouching in favour of Jam Saqi in court during the Zia regime
Benazir Bhutto In Jam Saqi Case
Before defying a government ban and setting out to address an illegal rally, Bhutto pauses at her doorway to read aloud a prayer from the Koran.
Benazir Bhutto signing her arrest warrant in 1986
Bhutto is finally arrested and taken, smiling, to prison
En route to the rally, Bhutto gets her first whiff off tear gas My skin is tingling  she observes calmly Now it's reached my eyes
Murtaza Bhutto Murder
Asif Ali Zardari Tongue Cut in Jail
Asif Ali Zardari in Police Custody
Nisar Khoro and Others show Zardari Blood soak Cloths
The Shaheed Rani Benazir Bhutto

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