Friday, February 1, 2019

Sanjay Gandhi The Darling son of India and His Tragic Death

 Sanjay was born in New Delhi, on 14 December 1946, as the younger son of Indira Gandhi and Feroze Gandhi. Like his elder brother Rajiv Gandhi, Sanjay studied first at Welham Boys' School and then at the Doon School in Dehra Dun. Sanjay did not attend university, but took up automotive engineering as a career and underwent an apprenticeship with Rolls-Royce in CreweEngland for three years. He was very interested in sports cars, and also obtained a pilot's license in 1976. He was interested in aircraft acrobatics and won several prizes in that sport ]His elder brother Rajiv Gandhi was, however, a Captain in Indian Airlines flying the Boeing 737-200ADV aircraft. Sanjay was also close to his mother.

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