Sunday, February 25, 2018

Durand Line and The Tension Between Afghanistan and Pakistan

Sir Mortimer Durand  Made an Agreement with The Amir Of Afghanistan in the Year 1896 Popularly known as Durand Line Agreement.In This Regard if You Look at the Agreement it States The Sphere of Influence Between Afghans and British 
This Clearly reflects that The Area that Becomes Pakistan was in British Control not under Afghanistan Control From 

The Demarcation of 800 Kms of Area was Done From 1894 to 1896 and in 1896 the Agreement was reached Defining the sphere of Borders.
King Amanullah Declared Independence and there was the 3rd and Last Indo-Afghan war where The Afghans achieved Full Independence a Treaty was signed at Rawalpindi in Augast 8 1919  which was endorsed Again in 1921 on 22 November.
This is very Interesting that the Durrand Line  Treaty embarked only 800 out of the Total 2430 Km Border between Afghanistan Pakistan.
Ethnic Pashtoon Leader Bacha Khan was in favor of a United India.He was not in Favor of a United Pashtoon or United Afghanistan.
He throughout His Life in British India advocated Durand Line as Part of India.However due to special un-known reason become a strong oposser of This.
He was buried in Jalalabad.
The Reports of Durand Line are available with Survey of India British Library

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