Monday, June 5, 2023

یے افغان نمک حرام پاکستانی پاسپورٹ استعمال کرتے ھیں اور ھمیں گالیاں بکتے ھیں


ایک واقعہ جس نے پاکستان اور افغانستان کے درمیان تعلقات کو مزید بدنامی کا سامنا کردیا ہے، فرانس میں ایک تقریب کے دوران ہوا۔ جنرل قمر جاوید باجوہ، پاکستان کے فوجی مہتمم کے طور پر پہنچے، جہاں وہ پاکستان اور افغانستان کے درمیان امن و امان کی ترویج کے بارے میں گفتگو کرنے کے لئے موجود تھے۔

لیکن اس تقریب کے دوران ایک غیر مستحق افغان شخص نے جنرل باجوہ پر بدتمیزی کی۔ افغان مرد نے جنرل باجوہ کی طرف انگلیاں اُٹھائیں اور توہین آمیز الفاظ کے ساتھ گالیاں بکیں۔ اس حملے سے جنرل باجوہ کو شدید ذلت کا سامنا کرنا پڑا اور پاکستان کی فوجی تعظیم اور عزت کو نقصان پہنچا۔
یہ بہت ہی افسوسناک واقعہ ہے کہ پاکستان کے سابق آرمی چیف جنرل باجوہ کی حمایت کے باوجود ایسے بدتمیز حملوں کا شکار ہونا پڑا ہے۔ ایسے تعصبی افغانوں کا رویہ دشمنی کی نمونہ ہے اور یہ دونوں ملکوں کے مابین تعلقات پر منفی اثرات ڈالتا ہے

آج دوبارہ ایک شرمناک واقع سامنے آیا پاکستان کے سابقہ آرمی چیف جرنل باجوہ فرانس میں اپنی بہو کے ساتھ بیٹھے تھے ایک افغانی نمودار ھوا جس نے بنا اجاززت ان کی وڈیو بنائی اور اس کے بعد ان کو گالیاں بکنے لگا 
یے افغان نمک  حرام پاکستانی پاسپورٹ استعمال کرتے ھیں اور ھمیں گالیاں بکتے ھیں

Mossad Expresses Concern for Musharraf's Safety and Political Stability, According to WikiLeaks


In recently leaked WikiLeaks documents, it has been revealed that Mossad, the Israeli intelligence agency, had expressed concerns about the well-being and continuity of former Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf's leadership in 2007. This revelation came to light through a secret cable message originating from the American embassy in Tel Aviv, documenting a significant meeting between Mossad chief Meir Dagan and US Under-Secretary of State Nicholas Burns during the Bush administration.
On August 17, 2007, Mr. Burns met with Mossad chief Meir Dagan to obtain an assessment of various regions, including the Middle East, Pakistan, and Turkey. During this meeting, the Israeli spy chief expressed his worries regarding the longevity of President Musharraf's rule. He highlighted the serious challenge Musharraf faced from militant groups and voiced concerns that Pakistan's nuclear capability might fall into the hands of an Islamic regime.
Dagan further noted that Musharraf seemed to be losing control over the situation, emphasizing the potential threats posed by his coalition partners in the future. He pointed out the significance of Musharraf's dual roles as both the president and commander-in-chief, linking his ability to maintain control over Pakistan to this consolidated position of power. The cable also stressed that if Musharraf were to lose his control over the army, he would encounter significant problems.
The Mossad chief even mentioned previous attempts on Musharraf's life, raising doubts about his ability to survive the challenges that lay ahead in the coming years. These concerns portrayed Mossad's deep involvement in monitoring and analyzing the political landscape in Pakistan, underlining their interest in ensuring Musharraf's continuation as the country's leader.
The WikiLeaks disclosure sheds light on the intricate dynamics and regional concerns prevalent during that time, highlighting the delicate balance of power and security issues faced by Pakistan. Mossad's apprehensions surrounding Musharraf's survival and the potential consequences of a regime change in Pakistan reveal the gravity of the situation and its potential global implications.

The Eternal Duo: Nargis and Raj Kapoor - Legends of Indian Cinema


In the realm of Indian cinema, there are certain on-screen pairs whose charisma and chemistry transcend the boundaries of the silver screen. Amongst these luminous duos, Nargis and Raj Kapoor stand tall as the epitome of grace, talent, and eternal love. Their partnership not only brought magic to the silver screen but also left an indelible mark on the hearts of millions.

Nargis, with her timeless beauty and emotive performances, captivated audiences with her versatility and depth. She possessed a rare ability to convey a range of emotions, from vulnerability

to strength, with a subtle grace that made her an icon of Indian cinema. Her memorable roles in films such as "Mother India" and "Awara" showcased her incredible talent and established her as one of the finest actresses of her time.

Raj Kapoor, the showman of Indian cinema, was a powerhouse of talent. He was not only an accomplished actor but also a visionary director and producer. With his boyish charm, infectious smile, and impeccable comic timing, Raj Kapoor won the hearts of audiences across generations. His films, including the iconic "Shree 420" and "Mera Naam Joker," are regarded as classics that continue to enthrall cinephiles even today.
When Nargis and Raj Kapoor came together on-screen, their chemistry was nothing short of magical. Their love story unfolded on celluloid with palpable intensity, leaving audiences spellbound. From the innocent romance in "Barsaat" to the heart-wrenching tragedy in "Chhalia," their performances were a masterclass

in portraying love, longing, and sacrifice.

Beyond their cinematic collaborations, Nargis and Raj Kapoor's off-screen bond added to their allure. Their real-life relationship, though often shrouded in secrecy, was the subject of much speculation and fascination. The depth of their connection resonated in their on-screen performances, making their characters come alive with a rare authenticity.
Nargis and Raj Kapoor's contributions to Indian cinema extended far beyond their individual successes. Together, they formed a creative powerhouse that revolutionized storytelling and left an indelible impact on the industry. Their films were not mere entertainment; they were vehicles of social change, tackling issues of poverty, injustice, and societal disparities.
Today, the legacy of Nargis and Raj Kapoor continues to inspire and influence generations of filmmakers and actors. Their films remain timeless classics, cherished by movie enthusiasts worldwide. The magic they created on-screen, the emotions they evoked, and the messages they conveyed are a testament to their unparalleled talent and vision.
As we celebrate the extraordinary careers of Nargis and Raj Kapoor, let us revel in the magic they brought to Indian cinema. Let us cherish their unforgettable performances, their undying love for the craft, and their unwavering commitment to storytelling. Their legacy lives on, reminding us of the power of art to transcend time and touch the deepest corners of our hearts.

A Shocking Interview of 2018 Elections By Aamir Mughal to Tehran Times

 A Shocking Interview of 2018 Elections By Aamir Mughal to Tehran Times

‘Political transition may be smooth but Imran Khan won’t be able to run the country smoothly’ By Syed Zafar Mehdi July 29, 2018 
Q. Pakistan Tehreek Insaaf (PTI) chief Imran Khan claimed victory in a general election on Thursday amid accusations of rigging and manipulation by rivals. Are other parties being ungraceful in defeat or do they have legitimate grievances?

A: Yes, and it is premature to say anything else because the situation is very fluid. The very exercise of elections stands highly doubtful and irregularities are not only reported by national but international media as well.

Q. As you mentioned, there are reports about irregularities. PML-N, the main rival of PTI in this election, has rejected the result claiming rigging. What options do they have now?

A: PML-N is in a strong position because Nawaz Sharif and Maryam are back in the country and they have proved everyone wrong, Nawaz Sharif’s narrative is intact and trending as anyone can see in print and electronic media as well as social media. Imran Khan’s very victory is tainted.

Q. As alleged by PML-N, PPP, and other smaller parties prior to the election, all the parties were not given a level playing field, and PTI was favored over others. Do you think Imran Khan's turnaround in fortunes is largely because of the military establishment's blessings?

A: Yes, writing is on the wall and widely reported and even a child can tell that polls were highly mismanaged, rather engineered.

Q. Since most of the parties have rejected the result, do you think the transition of power will be smooth and the new government will be stable?

A: The transition may or may not be smooth but Imran Khan won’t be able to run the country smoothly. He doesn’t have committed ‘original PTI’ with him. He now has the turncoats of every party in the shape of electable and electable are basically carpetbaggers. Imran Khan has lost the moral high ground.

Q. While Khan is considered a non-corrupt and honest politician, he is seen close to army and to the Taliban. Is Pakistan ready for a leader like him?

A: Question is how do you define ‘corruption’? In my opinion intellectual dishonesty is more harmful than financial corruption and Pakistan has suffered due to this intellectual corruption in the last 60 years, particularly the judiciary’s intellectual dishonesty.

Q. What are the major challenges in front of the new government?

A: FATF, Pakistan’s International Image, Completion of CPEC and distribution of proper dividends amongst provinces, NFC Award, Missing Persons, Freedom of Expression and last and the most important “complete eradication of decimation of sectarian groups from Punjab, Baluchistan and Upper Sindh. Sectarian organisations are a clear and present danger.

Q. Now that PML-N has failed to retain power, do you think Nawaz Sharif and Maryam Sharif have to spend more time in jail than they would have expected?

A: I won’t say that the Sharif family is innocent but the trial was also not fair and the media was allowed to influence during proceedings. Corruption cases and the way these cases are manipulated and tried in Pakistan is itself a joke, we all know how Musharraf inducted those who were Bank defaulters and thoroughly corrupt and facing NAB inquiries. Therefore, such cases in Pakistan carry no weight.

Q. If Imran Khan becomes the next PM, what would be the focus of his foreign policy, especially vis a vis relations with neighbors India and Afghanistan and America's shadow over Pakistan.

A: It would be a disaster. He or his team has no idea what to do. Imran Khan is totally clueless and amateur as a political leader. 

TEHRAN - Aamir Mughal is a Pakistan-based political commentator and social media activist. He was formerly a senior intelligence officer. In this interview with Tehran Times, he spoke about the general elections in Pakistan and allegations of vote rigging and manipulation.

Saturday, June 3, 2023

The War of Independence 1857: A Glimpse into History through Real Footage

Funny Imran Khan | Imran Khan cartoon | Let us smile

Release of 198 Indian Fishermen from Pakistani Custody Signals a Gesture of Goodwill


In a positive development, the Pakistani authorities have released 198 Indian fishermen who had been detained in Pakistan's territorial waters in the Arabian Sea. The release took place at the Malir Jail in Karachi, where the fishermen were held. This move is seen as a gesture of goodwill between the two neighboring countries and is expected to contribute to improved bilateral relations.

The released fishermen boarded a train bound for Lahore, which serves as a transit point for their journey back to India. The Pakistani government decided to release the Indian fishermen as a demonstration of goodwill and a step towards fostering better relations with India. The authorities at the Malir Jail confirmed that the initial group of released Indian fishermen consisted of 200 individuals. Unfortunately, two of them passed away due to illness during their detention, leaving 198 fishermen to be released.

It is worth mentioning that there are still batches of Indian fishermen who remain in Pakistani custody, and they are scheduled to be released in the coming months of June and July. The release of these fishermen in a phased manner is an organized approach by the authorities to ensure a smooth process and facilitate their return to their home country.

The issue of fishermen straying into each other's territorial waters is a common occurrence between Pakistan and India. Due to poverty and limited resources, fishermen from both countries often find themselves crossing maritime borders unintentionally. As a result, the maritime security forces of both nations regularly apprehend these fishermen and detain them for violating territorial boundaries.

To facilitate the safe return of the Indian fishermen, the Edhi Foundation, a prominent charitable organization in Pakistan, organized their train travel to Lahore. The Edhi Foundation is known for its humanitarian work and has been involved in various initiatives to assist individuals in need. Their involvement in arranging the transportation of the released fishermen reflects the importance placed on ensuring their safe passage and a smooth transition back to India.

Upon their arrival in Lahore, the released fishermen will be transferred to the Federal Investigation Agency (FIA). The FIA will oversee their transportation to the Wagah border, the main crossing point between Pakistan and India. At the Wagah border, they will undergo the necessary documentation and formalities before crossing back into Indian territory. The process will be managed collaboratively by the authorities of both countries to ensure a seamless return for the fishermen.

The release of these Indian fishermen is a positive step towards promoting goodwill and enhancing bilateral relations between Pakistan and India. Such humanitarian gestures can help in building trust and fostering a spirit of cooperation between the two nations. It is encouraging to see both countries taking measures to address issues related to fishermen and ensuring their safe return to their respective homelands.

This development is also a reminder of the significance of dialogue and peaceful resolutions to address shared challenges. It underscores the importance of diplomatic efforts and the need to work together to find mutually beneficial solutions. The release of these fishermen sets a positive precedent for future interactions and encourages a constructive approach to resolving conflicts and improving relations.

While the release of the Indian fishermen is a positive step, it is essential for both Pakistan and India to continue engaging in dialogue and cooperation to prevent such incidents from occurring in the future. This includes enhancing communication between maritime security forces, establishing mechanisms for the prompt repatriation of detained fishermen, and exploring sustainable solutions to address the underlying issues that lead to such transgressions.

Efforts should also be made to raise awareness among fishermen about maritime boundaries and the importance of respecting them. This can be achieved through educational campaigns and the dissemination of information to fishing communities on both sides. By fostering a deeper understanding and knowledge of maritime regulations, fishermen can avoid unintentional border crossings and contribute to the peaceful coexistence of communities along maritime borders.

The release of the 198 Indian fishermen serves as a positive development in

Saudi Cleric Sentenced to Five Years in Prison for Incitement Against Rulers


In a recent development, a Saudi court has handed down a five-year prison sentence to a prominent cleric, Yussef al-Ahmad, known for his staunch support of gender segregation. The court found him guilty of "incitement" against the rulers of the country, as reported by various media outlets. Alongside the prison term, al-Ahmad has been imposed with a five-year travel ban and fined 100,000 Saudi riyals. These actions highlight the Saudi government's efforts to maintain stability and curb dissenting voices within the country.

Al-Ahmad, who was taken into custody in July, faced charges of "disobedience to the rulers and incitement against them," according to, the website of Al-Eqtisadiah Daily. The specific incident that led to his arrest was the posting of a YouTube video where he openly criticized King Abdullah and other officials for the prolonged detention periods that individuals in Saudi Arabia could be subjected to without trial.

One of the controversial statements made by al-Ahmad in the video was his call for the demolition of the Grand Mosque, which houses the Holy Kaaba, and its subsequent reconstruction to ensure strict gender segregation during religious pilgrimages. This proposition, seen as radical by many, struck at the core of societal norms and challenged established practices in the country.

The Saudi court's ruling against al-Ahmad sends a strong message that the government will not tolerate actions or statements that are perceived as a threat to its authority or the prevailing social order. It underscores the importance placed on maintaining stability and quashing any dissent that could potentially disrupt the kingdom's religious, political, or social fabric.

Saudi Arabia follows a conservative interpretation of Islam known as Wahhabism, which emphasizes strict adherence to traditional values and gender segregation. Gender segregation is deeply ingrained in various aspects of Saudi society, including public spaces, educational institutions, and workplaces. However, in recent years, there has been a push for more progressive reforms, such as allowing women to drive and enter sports stadiums. These changes have sparked debates and divisions among the population, with some supporting a more liberal approach while others remain committed to traditional values.

Al-Ahmad's arrest and subsequent sentencing can be seen as a response by the Saudi government to any perceived challenge to its authority or attempts to disrupt the established social order. The call for stricter gender segregation within the holiest site in Islam is viewed as an affront to the country's deeply held religious and cultural traditions. While freedom of speech is theoretically protected under Saudi law, the government maintains a firm grip on dissent and does not hesitate to clamp down on those who cross certain boundaries.

Critics argue that such crackdowns on dissent stifle legitimate expressions of discontent and hinder progress toward a more inclusive and open society. They contend that silencing voices that challenge the status quo prevents a healthy and constructive dialogue necessary for societal growth. However, proponents of the government's actions argue that maintaining stability and preserving cultural and religious traditions are of paramount importance, especially in a region marked by political unrest.

The case of Yussef al-Ahmad is not an isolated incident in Saudi Arabia. In recent years, the government has undertaken a series of arrests targeting activists, intellectuals, and religious figures deemed to be a threat to the established order. These actions have drawn criticism from international human rights organizations, which argue that the Saudi government's crackdown on dissent undermines fundamental freedoms and human rights.

Saudi Arabia has taken some steps towards reform in recent years, such as the lifting of the driving ban on women and relaxing some restrictions on entertainment and social activities. These reforms have been hailed by some as signs of progress, while others view them as mere cosmetic changes that fall short